The Shed

Generators: Let the power be with you

As winter approaches and power outages become something of a given, we thought it might be useful to identify what you need to know about generators, safety, their uses, and how to connect them to your home.
A generator is a motor driving an alternator to produce power, and with the advent of these Inverter Generators (see my review of Honda inverter generators) the basics haven’t changed, but how they operate has.


Making a violin – Part One

When I decided to make a violin to take to a conference in America, I chose a beautiful example by Guarneri “del Gesu”—the “King” violin made in 1735—as a model.
Given the significance of the violins by the great makers, there is a respected tradition of making copies or instruments modelled on their work. I was quite happy for The Shed magazine to follow its progress but as there are books written in great detail about violin-making, this magazine article can only be a summary of what I did and some of the problems I encountered.


No one regrets buying quality – The Shed product spotlight

Honda’s inverter generators are famous for their reliability, fuel efficiency and portability but they also supply ‘clean’ power for phones, laptops and power tools. Older generators can produce power spikes or variable voltages that can damage modern appliances. The portable EU10i was the first generator of its size to feature a sine wave inverter assuring commercial-quality electricity.


The Shed July/August 2019, Issue no 85, on sale now

Always wanted your own knife-makers forge? Well in the July/August Issue 85 of The Shed we show you how to make two differing styles, one using LPG power and one using used engine oil to create the heat. What a great way to dispose of old oil and both give great results without incurring huge build costs.

Then we…


Porcelain drilling solutions using Tusk VB core bits

Watch this video and be impressed at what these core bits can do
The drills have a vacuum-braised diamond cutting edges for longer life and strength. The range of Tusk VB core bits are for drilling, grinding and cutting using angle grinders for precision and control.


A bit of light work

The answer came like a light bulb. In fact, it was a light bulb – one that fits snugly under the top of the drill press and shines on the complete work area below, with little or no chance of casting unwanted shadows. It’s easy to make, as you can see from the step-by-step pictures.


The Auckland Blade Show is back for 2019!

Good news, the Auckland Blade show is back on again this spring. Same location, 545 Parnell Road, Parnell, Auckland and this year it’s on the weekend on 12 & 13 October. See their poster for more info.
The Shed will see you there.


How to fix that wavering drill

First we checked to make sure that the there was in fact some play in the quill and indeed the dial gauge showed run-out of over 0.5 mm, quite a significant amount of wobble. I felt vindicated and quietly pleased that I hadn’t dragged Russell away from oiling and balancing the wheels of industry on false pretences.


Sharpen up your drills

Back when I was sharpening drills as part of my punishment, I discovered there were slow spiral and straight-fluted drills for brass and plastic. You may need a straight-fluted drill. You can create this by “backing off” the first 3 or 4 mm of a spiral-fluted drill.


Tiling tips and advice thanks to Selleys

Got some tiling to do? Need some best practice tips?
Well here are three videos from Selleys with advice on fixing tiles to a surface, grouting and finally sealing the tiles.
Its all done using Selleys products so you can be sure of a great result.


Industrial style at home

For the centre, I had intended to use one-inch (25.4 mm) diameter stainless steel that I had left over from a previous job but the lamp we purchased came with a one-inch chrome-plated tube which I decided to use. It also came with a screwed insert in the top for attaching the lamp and this saved me from needing to make an insert.
If you use stock tube, you will need to make an insert to fit in the top of the tube to take the lamp you purchase. This could be a nut you can find with the same thread as the lamp and where you just need to have the outside diameter reduced or you can make an insert and thread it accordingly.


Double the good news for our Australian readers

The latest issue of The Shed, Issue 84, is on-sale all around Australia this week. Click on this link for the latest retail outlets near you to pick up a copy
But wait, there’s more. For the final time, we also have a limited number of copies of our special edition publication Best of The Shed also on-sale in all Australian states. This is the last of our stock of our Best-of 10 years of The Shed.


Have you got that in nylon?

Need nylon fasteners or washers? Hi-Q Components is the go-to solution for the widest range of nylon screws, nuts, bolts and washers in both metric and imperial sizes for all engineering or assembly needs. Threaded rod in 1-metre lengths is also available in M3–M20 sizes. Hi-Q Components also stocks flat, self-retaining, and insulating washers in many sizes. To buy online or for further information, contact Hi-Q Components on 0800 800 293, email [email protected] or


Calling all skilled model makers and miniaturists

The New Zealand Maritime Museum in Auckland is currently seeking skilled model makers and miniaturists to volunteer in their fully equipped Model Maker’s Workshop.
The museum has embarked on an ambitious project to build a replica model of Captain Cook’s HMS ENDEAVOUR, to commemorate the 250th anniversary since the first onshore meetings between Māori and Europeans.
The museum estimates it will take a team at least 2000 hours to complete the build of the model.