The Shed

Make a handy saw bench jig

I regularly need to cut a multiple number of short pieces on my saw bench for small box components, kids’ building blocks, small pieces for furniture etc. In the past I have clamped in place various contraptions to ensure each piece is the same length. It is difficult to hold small pieces to cut them accurately but this jig solves the problem. It attaches to the saw bench in seconds and probably takes longer to get out of the cupboard than to fit.


Electronic, mini wooden Christmas trees

That original version of this project used 3 mm light-emitting diodes (LEDs) and no printed circuit board. Because of its size, it was tricky to wire and not so easy for a novice to construct. But the version of the project being followed here has been updated and adapted for easy construction.


Forging ahead

When I came to select an old gas bottle for this project, the most likely candidate proved to be full of gas. Far too much gas to vent so having committed to making the forge I opted for the second-best option and bought a new bottle. At only $45 it wasn’t a huge outlay although I know that many of you will be shaking your heads at my frivolous wastefulness.
Buying a new bottle has one very handy up side: there is no volatile gas in the bottle. If there was then certain precautions are absolutely essential.


Recycled rimu outdoor chair

I have almost always used recycled rimu for my chairs as it is easy to obtain and relatively cheap to buy. It seems to last for ever and once the finish has weathered a little it has that rustic look.
Buying recycled rimu from second-hand building supply dealers has the advantage that you can get it when you want it, you can pick and choose the actual sticks you buy and it comes de-nailed.


Subscribers can win with The Shed

The odds of winning a subscription prize with The Shed are better than Lotto.
These three lucky subscribers each won a Karcher package of a water blaster and a wet vacuum worth $998 from The Shed Issue 80!


Build a basic trailer- part two

The frame is braced by angle-iron cross members and has a sturdy, ply wooden deck. It’s best to use not less than 5-ply 12 mm minimum — in this case we have used 7-ply 17 mm. With minor variations, I have built a standard 1200 mm x 1800 mm (6ft by 4ft ) domestic trailer with a solid frame of rectangular hollow section (RHS) mild steel.


The most fun you can have on three wheels!

Cambridge sheddie Kim Dawick decided to build a drift trike for a mate’s birthday. It was relatively simple and so much fun to ride he decided to build eight more to bring the old gang from school back together. Click through to see the Kim take Mike’s trike for a spin, and another one, and another one….


Can you open the right door for someone near you?

In the good old days, kids who had an aptitude for trades or technical subjects would discover this at school in woodwork, metalwork, tech drawing, and the like. They would then move into apprenticeships. Today, many trades today are crying out for new entrants. Many youngsters have had a non-stop diet of academic study so they may have no idea they could have great hand skills and a promising career in a trade. It’s up to us to spot that talent and steer them in the right direction.


The Shed Issue 81, Nov/Dec 2018 on sale now

In The Shed 81, Nov/Dec 2018 issue, we head to Blenheim to meet school teacher and dedicated sheddie Dave Pauling.
Dave makes extraordinary guitars in his shed from recycled native timber and shares his skills with us so readers can have a go too. He nicknames some of his electric guitars ‘Les Paulings’ – nice touch.


Photos from the Auckland Blade Show, October 6 & 7 2018

The 2018 Auckland Blade Show in Parnell this weekend was a huge success. Over 25 knife makers from all over NZ took stands as well as a shop from Gameco Artisan Supplies. A steady stream of visitors enjoyed an awesome display of great Kiwi knife making with no exhibitor quite like another. Organiser Brent Sandow promised us all we won’t have to wait as long for the next event which will require a larger venue to accomodate all the knife makers that couldn’t attend this 2018 Auckland show. If you are a fan of knives and knife making, do not miss the next show.


Build a basic trailer – part one

A crucial step in building this trailer is to get the axle stub straight, otherwise your tyres will chop up as they run. I use a jig of angle iron to get this straight. But I can show how to do it for home workshop, simply by holding the axle stub firmly against the bottom and one side of the box section axle to ensure it is square. There must be good welds on the axle stub.


New lower subscription rates for Australia

More good news for Australian Shed readers – we have just lowered our magazine subscription rates for you. Now that we are shipping copies of The Shed for newsagents to sell nationwide, we can also include subscription copies and avoid those huge postal costs. An Australian subscription was NZ$130, now only NZ$94! Dive in, head to to sign up.