Earl’s Wood Hardener penetrates into soft and rotted wood fibres, restoring them to near original strength. It makes repairs possible to even the most fragile wood, ready for full restoration. Forget digging out rot. Earl’s Wood Hardener will penetrate wood fibres, and once dry, you can patch and paint, if necessary. It’s suitable for both interior and exterior jobs and is ready to use straight from the tub or bottle. There’s no waste and no volatiles to avoid. Available in 250ml, 1L and 4L sizes from hardware and paint retailers nationwide. Visit hobeca.co.nz for more information.

Man who gives a toss
The incentive for the project came from Dave’s sons, Josh and Andrew. The boys were jumping their bikes and Josh (13) came up with the ultimate idea—throwing their bikes with a trebuchet which they had seen in action on computer games. The boys started with a small trebuchet using stones but it didn’t throw them far so dad got into the act. Dave checked out machines on the internet that were even throwing cars. The world record is a 630-metre throw. He was impressed and thought he would give it a go. He had some Lawsoniana trees he intended to drop so thought now was the time. He finds the Lawson trees were straight and the wood is very flexible.