Tusk offers three ranges of drills made from different grades of high-speed steel.
Tusks metal drill bits are made from M2 high-speed steel with a titanium nitride (TiN) coating. The 135-degree point offers faster drilling, lower feed pressure and they have a split point or self-centering tip. The top of the range Tusk Cobalt HSS Metal drill bits are constructed of M42 high-speed steel with 8% cobalt for hard material like stainless steel.
They have five times more life than regular TIN coated HSS drills. In between are the Tusk Cobalt bits (M35 high-speed steel with 5% cobalt). They have a ‘bullet point’ tip designed to start on flat or curved stainless steel without ‘walking’, and offer three times more life than regular TiN coated HSS drills.
All drills are available in 1mm – 13mm dia. Call 414 5678 for stockists or see http://www.tusktools.co.nz/
CHSS 251-M35-13mm-bit-HR
CHSS 251-M35-13mm-bit-HR-DB
CHSS 252-M42-13mm-bit-HR
MHSS 25pc-HSS-13mm-bit-HR