The Shed King is going to Bonneville, can you help get him there?

"My name is Dave Alexander, and I am on a mission to set a land speed record of over 420 kph at the iconic Bonneville Salt Flats. With decades of experience in motorsport dating back to the 1970s, I have had the honour of competing at Bonneville before, where we achieved three records in just one week with my home-built car from New Zealand. My latest creation is an impressive 7-metre 'Lakester', engineered specifically for land-speed racing and powered by a turbocharged Nissan RB30 engine. As a self-employed engineer, fabricator, and welder, I took on the challenge of building this vehicle in my shed with support from a small team of skilled friends. In February 2025, we successfully completed the build and ran the car on a hub dynamometer, ensuring all systems were calibrated and functions tested. This marked a crucial milestone in our journey. Now, we face the next challenge: packing the car and transporting it across the globe to compete in 'Bonneville Speedweek' 2025.
The Spirit of New Zealand Bonneville
The Shed magazine issue 118 featured a great Kiwi sheddie, one Dave Alexander.
Dave is building a ‘Lakester,’ a car engineered specifically for land-speed racing and powered by a turbocharged Nissan RB30 engine.
He needs our support to get him to Bonneville Speedweek, August 2025

Here’s Dave’s land speed record mission in his own words.

“My name is Dave Alexander, and I am on a mission to set a land speed record of over 420 kph at the iconic Bonneville Salt Flats.
With decades of experience in motorsport dating back to the 1970s, I have had the honour of competing at Bonneville before, where we achieved three records in just one week with my home-built car from New Zealand.
My latest creation is an impressive 7-metre ‘Lakester’, engineered specifically for land-speed racing and powered by a turbocharged Nissan RB30 engine. As a self-employed engineer, fabricator, and welder, I took on the challenge of building this vehicle in my shed with support from a small team of skilled friends.
In February 2025, we successfully completed the build and ran the car on a hub dynamometer, ensuring all systems were calibrated and functions tested. This marked a crucial milestone in our journey. Now, we face the next challenge: packing the car and transporting it across the globe to compete in ‘Bonneville Speedweek’ 2025.
We invite fellow New Zealanders and speed enthusiasts to join us in this exciting endeavour. Your support is essential to cover the shipping and transport costs to get our car to the U.S. in August 2025.
Every contribution counts, and you can make a difference by donating online at
Together, we can put the fastest-ever New Zealand record in the books at Bonneville!”

The Spirit of New Zealand Bonneville Lakester
Email: [email protected]
For more information

Press contact David Mead
Phone: (027) 245-0770
Email: [email protected]

Owner Contact details
Dave Alexander
Phone: (027) 233-6532
Email: [email protected]


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The Shed magazine December/January 2025 issue 118 on sale now

Full tilt with Dynamite Dave.
Dynamite Dave Alexander is a self-taught doer, with an eye for detail, unquestionable discipline, and a passion for motorsports. He’s been making things since he was a nipper, and has never stopped. He was raised on a remote Hawke’s Bay farm, where the shed was his university.
Dave says he “grew up doing it”, working alongside his father Neil, learning how to keep the property and equipment maintained and running. His first job was welding all the farm gates. His next was putting in a box-section chassis for a 1942 Willys Jeep, which served as the farm’s workhorse.
At 18, Dave commenced his first customisation of his Mk ll Zephyr, installing a V8, dual headlights, and Vauxhall tail lights. Since then, he has restored, driven, and raced an impressive list of classic muscle cars, scratch-built stocks, rods, and record-breaking Bonneville salt cars.
Now – at 70-something – this multitasking, project-a-holic is closing in on his latest quest: to break 262mph (422kph) at Bonneville in his shed-built, RB-powered Lakester – a project that has been close to a decade in development.
Dave says, “I guess I could be playing golf or in the pub. But you have to do something to get you out of bed in the morning, to keep the old man out.”