Lister Start-O-Matic electric generator on Great Barrier Island
The Shed on its travels came across this wonderful old generator on Great Barrier Island over the summer. It’s a lighting plant generator called a “Lister Start-O-Matic”.
The Shed on its travels came across this wonderful old generator on Great Barrier Island over the summer. It’s a lighting plant generator called a “Lister Start-O-Matic”.
The Shed magazine visits a huge collection of Kiwiana in some old chicken sheds in Oamaru; as featured in Issue 76, January–February 2018.
As part of our article on sockets, spanners, and bolt sizes in The Shed Issue 76, enjoy this video of the Wurth Flexidrive standard in action.
The Shed magazine is eclectic, informed, and always fascinating. Aimed at those with a few tools and perhaps a few clues: this is the magazine for real sheddies.
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